19 Subjects Every Student Needs To Maximize Their Potential

School is a time for students to learn about themselves and the world around them. Unfortunately, many schools don’t provide courses to help students become more emotionally mature and independent.

Classes They Need

high school students

There are numerous life lessons that can be taught in school and college to prepare students for adulthood. From financial literacy classes to money management courses, these 13 classes can equip students with the life lessons they need to be successful after graduation.

What life lessons, in your opinion, do students need to learn today?

Paying Off Student Loans

graduating with student loan debt

For many college graduates, student loan debt is a major financial burden. A course on paying off student loans can provide students with the information they need to effectively manage their finances and pay off their loans in a timely manner.

The class could include subjects like budgeting, compound interest, and loan forgiveness to help students handle their debt and make the most of their post-college life.

Learning to Manage Stress

managing stress

School and college are stressful, from classes and exams to career planning and relationships. It’s important for students to learn how to manage their stress to succeed in their academics and life beyond it.

A class that focuses on teaching techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and meditation can help students learn to navigate the pressures of school and everyday life.

Time Management

time management

Along with stress management, it’s important for students to learn effective time management skills. This is a skill that can take people a lifetime to get right.

A class that focuses on teaching how to prioritize tasks, create efficient schedules, and break down large projects into manageable parts can be hugely beneficial for student success.

By learning how to manage their time, students can make sure they’re using their days effectively and efficiently, allowing them more free time for fun pursuits.

Communication Skills

talking in grou

Are kids these days spending too much time on their phones and failing to develop essential communication skills? Strong communication skills are often the key to success in any endeavor, be it school or a career.

A class on communication skills can focus on teaching students how to positively and effectively engage in both verbal and written communication.

This class can also address topics such as listening, non-verbal communication, conflict resolution, public speaking, and more. Developing these skills is essential for students’ self-esteem, confidence, and social skills.

Life After College


After graduation, many students feel lost or overwhelmed without the structure of college life. A class on what to expect after college could help prepare students for this transition and provide them with the tools they need to be successful in whatever endeavors they pursue post-graduation.

This type of class could focus on topics such as job search strategies, networking, career planning, and more. These lessons can be invaluable for any college student in these important times of their lives.

Healthy Food Choices

teen eating hamburger

Eating healthy can be especially difficult for students, who are often on a budget and may not have access to the healthiest options. A class that focuses on teaching students how to make nutritious food choices within their limited resources can help ensure they get the nutrients they need as they continue their education.

This type of class could cover topics like meal planning, reading nutrition labels, grocery shopping on a budget, and other tips for eating healthy while in school and college.

Cultural Awareness

cultural awareness

With the world becoming increasingly globalized, it’s important for students to be aware of other cultures. A class on cultural awareness can help students gain a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures and their beliefs.

This type of class can also cover topics like diversity, respect, and more. By learning about these concepts in college, students can become more socially conscious, which can be a major asset to their success both in college and beyond.

Personal Growth

reading book in library

Having a class focused on personal growth can help students explore their own personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and passions.

This course type could cover topics such as self-awareness, self-care, self-motivation, and goal setting.

Through this class, students can gain a greater understanding of themselves and learn how to use those insights to be successful in the future.

Filing Your Taxes


Filing taxes can be a complicated endeavor, and college students may not have all the information they need to navigate the process successfully.

A class on filing taxes would provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their own finances when it comes to taxes, choose a suitable tax preparer if required, and learn the basics of the tax system.

Self Defense

self defense

Knowing how to defend oneself properly is a valuable skill in this day and age. A self-defense class can teach students the basics of defending themselves in various situations, from physical confrontations to verbal disputes.

This type of course could cover topics like situational awareness, defensive postures, and other defensive tactics. With this knowledge, students can take steps to protect themselves and their belongings without needing to recourse to acts of violence.

The Law

reporting to police

Legal issues can be difficult to navigate, so understanding the law is essential for college students.

A class on the law could cover topics such as constitutional rights, what you could be arrested for, felonies, misdemeanors, and more. This knowledge can help students stay out of trouble and be aware of the legal consequences of their actions.

This type of course would provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to handle legal matters responsibly and effectively.

Basic Home and Auto Repair

fix omputer

Knowing how to do basic home and auto repair can be a major money-saver.

A home and auto repair class would teach students the basics of maintaining their homes, cars, and other property.

The course can teach you valuable skills like replacing spark plugs, changing tires, patching walls, fixing toilets, changing oil and air filters, and other similar tasks. Learning these skills can help avoid costly repair bills in the future.

Money Management

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Unfortunately, many students don’t understand basic financial concepts or how to effectively manage their money.

A class on money management would provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be smart with their finances.

This type of course could cover topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and more. With this knowledge, students can become responsible financial stewards.

Dating Do’s and Don’ts


Navigating the dating world can be confusing for many college students. A dating class could provide students with useful tips on how to communicate effectively when it comes to romance, as well as what constitutes a healthy relationship.

This type of class could cover topics like conversation starters, consent, and other helpful advice for managing relationships in college. By taking a class on these topics, students can learn how to handle the dating scene confidently and responsibly.

Network Building


Having a strong network of contacts is invaluable for career success. Unfortunately, many college students don’t know how to build their networks effectively or how to leverage those connections for greater success. A class on network building could provide students with the tools they need to build and maintain strong professional relationships.

This type of course could cover topics such as networking etiquette, how to make meaningful connections, and how to turn those connections into career opportunities. With this knowledge, students can become more successful in their professional lives.

Interview Skills


Having strong interview skills is essential for any job search. This type of course could cover topics such as preparing for an interview, answering tough questions, what to wear, and how to make a good impression. With this knowledge, students can demonstrate their qualifications and make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Handling Failure

dealing with failure

Failure can be difficult for many college students to handle and can have lasting effects on their future. Students need to learn how to cope with disappointments and learn from their mistakes.

This type of class could cover topics such as developing resilience, recognizing when you are feeling overwhelmed, and finding your motivation to keep going. This class would help normalize failure and accept it as a part of life, with strategies to help students cope.

Maintaining a Good Work-Life Balance

work life balance

Striking the right balance between work and life can be difficult for many college students, especially if they are juggling classes, job responsibilities, internships, and other commitments. A class on maintaining a good work-life balance can help equip students with the skills needed to handle these competing demands effectively.

This type of course could cover topics such as scheduling, setting boundaries and when it’s time to draw the line. By learning these skills in college, students can develop the balance they need to lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Managing Mental Health

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Maintaining good mental health is important to thriving in life. A class on mental health could help students become more aware of their own emotional well-being and how to address and manage any issues they may be facing.

This type of course should talk openly about mental health to reduce its stigma, recognize warning signs of mental illness, and where to reach out for support.

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These 13 life lesson classes can provide students with a wide range of knowledge and skills that will benefit them both in school and beyond. 

What life lessons, in your opinion, do students need to learn today?

This article, Life Lesson Classes That Should Be Offered in School, was produced by TPR Teaching.

Caitriona Maria is an education writer and founder of TPR Teaching, crafting inspiring pieces that promote the importance of developing new skills. For 7 years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.

About the author
Caitriona Maria
Caitriona Maria is an education writer and founder of TPR Teaching, crafting inspiring pieces that promote the importance of developing new skills. For 7 years, she has been committed to providing students with the best learning opportunities possible, both domestically and abroad. Dedicated to unlocking students' potential, Caitriona has taught English in several countries and continues to explore new cultures through her travels.
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